More than just a thinktank, our network spans national borders with the aim of promoting the best progressive thinking on the major social and economic challenges of the 21st century.
Policy Network is the international ideas exchange for progressives. More than just a thinktank, its network spans national borders across Europe and the wider world with the aim of promoting the best progressive thinking on the major social and economic challenges of the 21st century.
What makes Policy Network unique is our ability to connect policymakers and policy implementers. We combine rigorous analysis of the biggest questions facing modern societies with creative thinking on how to turn those fresh solutions into dynamic political narratives that can deliver electoral success for progressive parties.
Too much of the policy conversation is conducted in national silos; our work brings together new thinking from across the world. Policy Network is different to traditional thinktanks, as well as our own detailed thinking we publish the best ideas from around our network and host the only online portal providing political analysis written by progressives, for progressives. Crucially we also bring progressives together in a range of ways including our regular high-profile progressive governance events, an annual academic conference in Oxford and frequent gatherings of ministers and advisers allowing for a genuine free flow of ideas.
Central to Policy Network’s mission is providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and experience. Even the most exciting ideas can only fly if they connect with the widest possible audience. So we work to constantly renew and expand our network, with an eye to the next generation of progressive political and thought leaders. We aim to play a leading role in the public debate by engaging with the media and disseminating our work as widely as possible, taking full advantage of social media.
Our work is driven by a global network of progressive politicians, policymakers, business leaders, public service professionals, and academic researchers who work on long-term issues relating to public policy, political economy, social attitudes, good governance and international relations. This insight is complemented by the expertise and research excellence of Policy Network’s international in-house team.
Policy Network receives funding and support from a number of sources including donations, sponsorship and grants. Policy Network is committed to only accepting sponsorship for projects that advance its aims and core values. We aim to be completely transparent about who is funding our work and who we are working with.
In 2018, Policy Network received core funding from Lord Sainsbury of Turville.
In addition, support for specific projects in 2018 was received from Teneo Blue Rubicon (on behalf of MyTaxi); the Samuel Lindow Foundation; and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).
For events and conferences throughout 2018, Policy Network also partnered with Das Progressive Zentrum; France Stratégie; the Aston Centre for Europe; the Samuel Lindow Foundation; Partido Socialista (Portugal), Global Progress, Fundação Res Publica; and the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).
Engaging with Policy Network and following our activities brings free access to high-quality publications and research, and the opportunity to learn, engage and network with experts in your field. Sign-up to our newsletter, come to our events and read our publications. Register your email address or follow us on Twitter and Facebook to receive our newsletter and priority invitations to workshops, policy seminars and political conferences.
I have had the pleasure of being part of Policy Network’s work for almost 15 years and, of course, during those years I have made many good friends in the network and it is always a delight to be in the company of the excellent thinkers of Policy Network.
In Policy Network I have always found a source of inspiration that never dries out. Time and time again I have been engaged by new ideas, new insights and straight talk. And straight talk is important. Policy Network is committed to the politics of reality, the politics of real life for real people.
Policy Network is at the cutting edge of debate of future options for policymaking, in particular thinking about what should be done at the European level.
Without Policy Network, Europe may have been a lot less European, the UK a lot less European, and European Social Democracy a lot less European. London-based thinktank Policy Network cannot be appreciated enough for its important work of sharing ideas and exchanging government experiences all across Europe.