
Restart! Progressive Governance Digital Summit 2020

A progressive agenda for a new normality in the post-pandemic world

Event Details

Digital summit (online)


There is currently great uncertainty about the social, economic and political consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. A return to “normality” as we know it appears unlikely. It is clear that the dynamics of the crisis will create a different world with different futures for individuals, communities and places. This crisis has revealed the structural weaknesses in our societies. As we move from crisis management to rebuilding the economy and society, momentum for change is growing. Until now, solutions to the crisis have been national instead of inter- or transnational, which has hindered much needed cooperation.

For progressives, this is the moment to come together and discuss shared visions of what a post-Covid-19 world should and could look like. We believe that it is imperative for progressives to promote international solidarity in times of crisis: how to achieve it will be the central objective of #PGS20. Solidarity will also be the normative guideline for the breakout sessions, workshops and leader’s panels of #PGS20, in order to prioritise common solutions to the crisis. Further, the aim is to support the most weak and vulnerable and their communities at the local, national and global level.

From Santiago to London, Oslo, Dublin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Stockholm to Berlin – Progressive Governance conferences and summits were founded by Policy Network and have been held worldwide since 1999.

The cross-border dialogue series is now led by our friends at Das Progressive Zentrum, a think tank based in Berlin, Germany. From the beginning, the purpose has been to gather leading as well as up-and-coming academics, activists and political decision-makers to initiate a conversation about next generation thinking among centre-left parties & movements. The Progressive Governance series aims at offering an intellectual ferment and cross-fertilization for a renewal of the progressive governing philosophy and political agenda across the world.


We are thrilled to welcome 100 international speakers, who will be exchanging ideas and developing concepts for change in 30+ sessions at the Progressive Governance Digital Summit. Das Progressive Zentrum and its partners are bringing together decision makers from governments and parliament, political advisers and campaigners, next-generation thought leaders from civil society, social movements, social partners and academia.


  • Olaf Scholz, Vice Chancellor of Germany
  • Neera Tanden, president, Center for American Progress
  • Dani Rodrik, professor of international political economy, Harvard University
  • Hubertus Heil, German federal minister of labour and social affairs
  • Yascha Mounk, associate professor, John Hopkins University
  • Maria Ohisalo, Finnish minister of the interior
  • Maja Göpel, secretary general, German Advisory Council on Global Change
  • Katalin Cseh, Hungarian member of European parliament
  • Clément Beaune, Europe adviser to Emmanuel Macron, President of France
  • Kübra Gümüşay, author and activist
  • Muthoni Wambu Kraal, national political and organizing director, Democratic National Committee
  • Matthew Taylor, chief executive, Royal Society


You can register to attend here.

This year’s summit will be broadcast as an online webinar and is in partnership with 25 progressive organisations from Europe and North America. Together, we are crossing borders and party lines.

For more information, please contact event liaison Josh Newlove.

